Relieve Your Toothache Pain with TYLENOL®
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Is TYLENOL® right for your dental pain?
After dental surgery, it is common for a dentist to give patients a prescription (Rx) for tooth pain relief. Some of these medicines, such as Vicodin® or Percocet®, may contain acetaminophen. Did you know that acetaminophen is also found in many OTC pain relievers, such as TYLENOL®? TYLENOL® is gentle on the stomach and provides temporary pain relief. Talk to your dentist about whether TYLENOL® may be more appropriate for your dental pain instead of rX options.
When taking TYLENOL® it is important to remember:
Do not exceed the dose on the label directions. Always read and follow the label.
Check every Rx and OTC label, and take ONLY 1 medicine containing acetaminophen at a time.
Other tips to consider when you have a toothache in addition to taking TYLENOL®
Talk to your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.
Place an ice pack on the painful area
Eat softer foods
Avoid chewing gum or ice
Get your pain reliever dose right
Adult Dosing
TYLENOL® is the #1 Doctor Recommended Brand for pain relief and fever reduction. TYLENOL® products contain the active ingredient acetaminophen and are formulated to temporarily reduce fever and relieve minor aches and pains. Below you will find dosing charts for several adult TYLENOL® products available in different forms – including tablets, liquid gels and dissolve packs – with information for the maximum dose. Use these dosing charts to help ensure safe use. Always read and follow the product label.